sábado, 28 de agosto de 2010

Taller de la unidad I y II

Change management Organizational and personal change management, process, plans, change management and business development tips

Here are some rules for effective management of change. Managing organizational change will be more successful if you apply these simple principles. Achieving personal change will be more successful too if you use the same approach where relevant. Change management entails thoughtful planning and sensitive implementation, and above all, consultation with, and involvement of, the people affected by the changes. If you force change on people normally problems arise. Change must be realistic, achievable and measurable. These aspects are especially relevant to managing personal change. Before starting organizational change, ask yourself: What do we want to achieve with this change, why, and how will we know that the change has been achieved? Who is affected by this change, and how will they react to it? How much of this change can we achieve ourselves, and what parts of the change do we need help with? These aspects also relate strongly to the management of personal as well as organizational change.

Do not 'sell' change to people as a way of accelerating 'agreement' and implementation. 'Selling' change to people is not a sustainable strategy for success, unless your aim is to be bitten on the bum at some time in the future when you least expect it. When people listen to a management high-up 'selling' them a change, decent diligent folk will generally smile and appear to accede, but quietly to themselves, they're thinking, "No bloody chance mate, if you think I'm standing for that load of old bollocks you've another think coming…" (And that's just the amenable types - the other more recalcitrant types will be well on the way to making their own particular transition from gamekeepers to poachers.)

Fuente: http://www.businessballs.com/changemanagement.htm 

Las actividades para este taller consiste en:

1. Leer el texto por completo.
2. Subrayar las palabras que no entiende y buscarlas en el diccionario.
Palabras desconocidas están resaltadas en color verde, y sus significados son:
achieving: (verbo en gerundio) alcanzar, lograr, conseguir
approach: (sustantivo) enfoque
entails: (verbo) implicar, conllevar
thoughtful: (adjetivo) cuidadoso
bitten: (verbo, pasado participio) morder.
Bollocks: (sustantivo) vulgar, tonterías
Recalcitrant: recalcitrante
Gamekeepers: (sustantivo) guardabosques

3. Escribir cual es la idea principal del texto.

El texto hace referencia a la importancia de la correcta gestión del cambio haciendo uso de reglas sencillas, basadas en la planificación de cada cambio, y en el cambio organizacional, de sus procesos y en las mejores prácticas, sin forzar el cambio, sino en la relación de la gestión de personal y la organización.

Se habla de un cambio tiene que ser entendido y gestionado de forma que la gente pueda asimilarlo eficazmente, de sentido contrario, puede generar altos grados de incertidumbre, mal ambiente organizacional y resistencia al mismo.

4. Identificar el tiempo verbal general del texto.

El tiempo verbal del primer párrafo, se encuentra en futuro, y el segundo párrafo en presente.

5. Identificar al menos tres palabras de las siguientes categorías lexicales:
Artículos: the, a
Sustantivos: change, future, parts
Verbos: are, managing, affected, making
Adjetivos: effective, realistic, decent
Preposiciones: before, at, by, of, to
Conjunciones: unless, if, and, that
Sufijos: achievable, measurable, sustainable, normally, especially, strongly, management, involvement, agreement.
Cognados verdaderos: change, effective, organizational, affected, aspects, relevant, bum
Cognados falsos: gamekeepers, achieving, agreement,

6. Sacar 4 oraciones e indicar:
• la frase nominal, núcleo de la frase nominal y pre modificadores y post modificadores
• la frase verbal, núcleo, y señalar el tiempo verbal.

Here are some rules for effective management of change
Frase nominal: Here
Pre modificador: N/A

Post modificador: N/A
Núcleo de la frase nominal:
Frase verbal: are some rules for effective management of change
Núcleo de la frase verbal: are
Tiempo verbal: presente

Change must be realistic, achievable and measurable
Frase nominal: Change
Pre modificador: N/ATiempo verbal: Presente

Post modificador: N/A
Núcleo de la frase nominal: Change
Frase verbal: must be realistic, achievable and measurable.

Núcleo de la frase verbal: must be
Tiempo verbal: Presente perfecto

These aspects also relate strongly to the management of personal as well as organizational change.
Frase nominal: These aspects also 
Pre modificador: These 
Post modificador: also 
Núcleo de la frase nominal: aspects
Frase verbal: relate strongly to the management of personal as well as organizational change.
Núcleo de la frase verbal: relate
Tiempo verbal: presente.

When people listen to a management high-up 'selling' them a change, decent diligent folk will generally smile and appear to accede, but quietly to themselves, they're thinking, "No bloody chance mate, if you think I'm standing for that load of old bollocks you've another think coming…" (And that's just the amenable types - the other more recalcitrant types will be well on the way to making their own particular transition from gamekeepers to poachers.)
Frase nominal: When people
Pre modificador: when
Post modificador: N/A
Núcleo de la frase nominal: people
Frase verbal: listen to a management high-up 'selling' them a change, decent diligent folk will generally smile and appear to accede, but quietly to themselves, they're thinking, "No bloody chance mate, if you think I'm standing for that load of old bollocks you've another think coming…" (And that's just the amenable types - the other more recalcitrant types will be well on the way to making their own particular transition from gamekeepers to poachers.)

Núcleo de la frase verbal: listen
Tiempo verbal: Presente

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