sábado, 28 de agosto de 2010

.......reflexión final ......

.......reflexión final del curso......
.....  todo es cuestion de paciencia .....
.... quien soy ....
.....requisito de uno de mis sueños.....

..... resistencia al cambio .....

No todos estamos dispuestos a ceder, no todos estamos orientados a mejorar como seres humanos, no todos estamos dispuestos a entender las necesidades del prójimo, simplemente no todos quieren cambiar.

Entendamos que el cambio empieza en un sólo lugar:
¡dentro de ti mismo!

Sigo compartiendo experiencias nuevas, sigo conociendo, sigo aprendiendo. Aún cuando creamos que aprendemos poco, cada una de esas experiencias te dan lo ma valioso de nuestras vidas: el conocimiento, tu esencia, tu ser.

Siempre detesté castellano y literatura, y al principio de la clase dije que este blog fue creado para cumplir un requisito, pero entendí que es una estrategia innovadora para hacer, desde mi punto de vista, lo más fastidioso de las lenguas, en una manera práctiva y rápida de utilizar elementos que te ayudarán a entender generalidades de la lengua.

Si le agarré el gusto o no, pues veremos que sigue en el futuro de mi vida.
Sólo sé que sigo disfrutando día a día de la vida que tengo, de quienes me rodean, y de quienes me aman.

Crean en sí mismos, crean en que todo lo que se planteen lo lograrán, siempre que crean en sí mismos, y busquen dentro de sí, la escencia de amar y de soñar.....

lo mejor de tu vida está en materializar tus sueños
cree, vive, sueña

Claritza Rodríguez


Taller final all units

Employee Resistance to Change..... ¿Why? 

No matter how well designed and planned your change program is, not everyone will be singing its praises.

Employees resist change for a wide variety of reasons, ranging from a straightforward intellectual disagreement over facts to deep-seated psychological prejudices.

Some of these reasons for employee resistance may include:
o. belief that the change initiative is a temporary fad
o. belief that fellow employees or managers are incompetent
o. loss of authority or control
o. loss of status or social standing
o. lack of faith in their ability to learn new skills
o. feeling of change overload (too much too soon)
o. lack of trust in or dislike of managers
o. loss of job security
o. loss of family or personal time
o. feeling that the organization is not entitled to the extra effort
For some people resisting change, there may be multiple reasons. Adding to this complexity is the fact that sometimes the stated reason hides the real, more deeply personal reason. You will also need to recognize that people work through a psychological change process as they give up the old and come to either embrace or reject the new.

Typically, they may experience an initial denial, then begin to realize that the change cannot be ignored. Strong feelings may emerge, such as fear, anger, helplessness and frustration. Finally, the person accepts the change either negatively, with feelings of resignation and complacency, or positively, with renewed enthusiasm to capitalize on the changes. Watch out for employees who get “stuck” in one phase. Offer your support. Allow space for people to work through the stages. Give employees time to draw breath and listen with empathy.

Reactions to Organizational Change

If you identify and manage resistance to change poorly, you can very quickly strangle your change program or, alternatively, slowly and unnoticeably starve it to death. Who are your resisters and how are they resisting?

Change recipients who are dead against the change will either resist overtly, voicing their objections loudly and often, or covertly. Covert resisters operate from the underground, masking their defiance, but posing you a much more serious challenge. We have identified four basic types of reaction to organizational change. Where do your change recipients sit?

These change recipients are intrinsically wedded to the change idea. They may agree dispassionately that the change will be of benefit to the organization, or they may stand to receive some personal gain from the change, such as a guarantee of job security, more status or a higher salary. Enthusiasts will use opportunities to broadcast approval for the change and will try to convince others of its merits. They will also model the new behavior early and will volunteer for membership of teams. These early adopters may also make good choices as trainers and coaches during the implementation process.

Followers range from those that are generally compliant, wishing to take the path of least resistance, to those that are initially reticent to adapt, but eventually do so once they accept the inevitability of the change. These change recipients will do what is required, but no more.

Objectors will display their resistance to change whenever the opportunity arises. They may disrupt meetings, not attend training, take unapproved leave and refuse to carry out instructions. Objectors will continue to use superseded systems and processes when others are taking up the new ways of doing things. They are not averse to arguing with managers and fellow workers and will try to convince others to continue with the old ways. In a unionized environment, resistance can take the form of strikes, lockouts, “work to rule”, legal challenges and boycotts.

Change recipients working for the underground have solid motivations for not making their resistance public. They may fear direct punishment, such as termination or fines, or more personal costs, such as ridicule or loss of status and authority. Managers who are against the change but need to be seen to be in support of it are prime candidates for promoting underground resistance. This style of resistance is, by its nature, always covert and can take many forms. Common among these are falsifying reports, inputting incorrect data, stealing, damaging infrastructure and equipment, using sarcasm, spreading rumors, excessive absences, shoddy work and “go slow”.

What can you do now? 

One thing you can do in managing resistance is work with your key employees to construct a Force Field analysis diagram using Kurt Lewin’s Force Field Analysis technique. This will give you a powerful indication of where you will need to devote your energies.

Example of a Force Field analysis diagram:

Our comprehensive eBook, Managing Change in the Workplace, will show you how to construct a Force Field analysis diagram and to develop a strategy to deal with resistance. Click here to find out how to buy and start using straight away.

Tips for Overcoming Resistance to Change

Treating the forces against change is a more productive use of resources than simply reinforcing the forces for change. Choose the most powerful of the restraining forces and devote time and energy to weakening these.

Think of how you could apply the drivers for change you identified in your analysis to either weakening or eliminating an opposing force.

Show the fiercest resisters what’s in it for them. Appeal to them either in terms of personal gain (such as status, salary bonus, recognition, and so on) or loss avoided (such as financial loss or job outplacement prevented).

Get customers or suppliers to explain to change resisters face to face how the current situation disadvantages them in concrete terms.

Put resisters on teams that allow them to play some decision-making part in the change process, however small.

Defuse political power plays amongst managers and other employees by conducting broad-based meetings where goals and tactics are openly discussed and introduce processes that leave little room for individual discretion.

Endeavor to look at the world through the eyes of the change resister. Listen openly and honestly to what they are trying to say. Examine your own basic beliefs and assumptions. Through engaging resisters, be prepared to change yourself.

Fuente: http://www.businessperform.com/change-management/resistance_to_change.html


La asignación final consiste en abarcar las áreas de:
A. Categorias lexicales y uso del diccionario.

B. Estructura de la oracion.

Categorias lexicales y uso del diccionario

1. Identificar 3 palabras que no se conoce, y agregar las abreviaciones.

Straightforward: adj. simple
Embrace: verb. abrazar
Whenever: conj. siempre, cada vez.

2. Idea principal del texto:
El articulo hace referencia a posibles causas de la resistencia al cambio en una organización, y suigere algunas reflexiones para superar esta resistencia y reducir la brecha en la implancación de cambios exitosos dentro de las organizaciones.

Aún cuando exista un plan bien diseñado, el cambio debe venir de los hechos arraigados a cada individuo que integran la organización. Igualmente, utilizar todos los recursos y análisis FODA, que permitirán fortalecer los motores del cambio, de esta manera minimizar la resistencia a la implatación de un cambio, buscando cambiarse a sí mismo.

3. Categorias lexicales:
     o-. Palabras de contenido: resistance, change.
     o-. Palabras de Función: over, through a.
     o-. Verbos: resist, may.
     o-. Adverbio: typically, finally, poorly.
     o-. Adjetivo: initial, poorly.
     o-. Artículo: a, some.
     o-. Preposiciones: for, at, by.
     o-. Conjunción: but, if.
     o-. Cognados verdaderos: reasons, initiative.
     o-. Cognados Falsos: ranging, disagreement.
     o-. Sufijo: disagreement, typically.
     o-. Prefijos: disagreement, incompetent.

Estructura de la oracion

Employees resist change for a wide variety of reasons, ranging from a straightforward intellectual disagreement over facts to deep-seated psychological prejudices.

Frase nominal: Employees
Premodificadores: N/A
Postmodificadores: N/A
Núcleo de la frase nominal: Employees
Frase verbal: resist change for a wide variety of reasons, ranging from a straightforward intellectual disagreement over facts to deep-seated psychological prejudices.Núcleo de la frase verbal: resist change
Tiempo verbal: presente

If you identify and manage resistance to change poorly, you can very quickly strangle your change program or, alternatively, slowly and unnoticeably starve it to death.

Frase nominal: If you
Premodificadores: If
Postmodificadores: N/A
Núcleo de la frase nominal: you
Frase verbal: identify and manage resistance to change poorly, you can very quickly strangle your change program or, alternatively, slowly and unnoticeably starve it to death.
Núcleo de la frase verbal: identify
Tiempo verbal: presente

Patrón de narración con ordenamiento del tiempo

Patrón de narración con
ordenamiento del tiempo

Albert Einstein; German; (14 March 1879 – 18 April 1955) was a theoretical physicist, philosopher and author who is widely regarded as one of the most influential and best known scientists and intellectuals of all time. A German-Swiss Nobel laureate, he is often regarded as the father of modern physics. He received the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics "for his services to Theoretical Physics, and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect".

Thanks to his theory of relativity, Albert Einstein became the most famous scientist of the 20th century. In 1905, while working in a Swiss patent office, Einstein published a paper proposing a "special theory of relativity," a groundbreaking notion which laid the foundation for much of modern physics theory. (The theory included his famous equation e=mc².) Einstein's work had a profound impact on everything from quantum theory to nuclear power and the atom bomb. He continued to develop and refine his early ideas, and in 1915 published what is known as his general theory of relativity. By 1920 Einstein was internationally renowned; he won the Nobel Prize in 1921, not for relativity but for his 1905 work on the photoelectric effect. In 1933 Einstein moved to Princeton, New Jersey, where he worked at the Institute for Advanced Studies until the end of his life. Einstein's genius is often compared with that of Sir Isaac Newton; in 2000 Time magazine named him the leading figure of the 20th century.
Einstein was famously rumpled and frizzy-haired, and over time his image has become synonymous with absent-minded genius... He sent a famous letter to Franklin Roosevelt in 1939, warning that Germany was developing an atomic bomb and urging Allied research toward the same goal... Einstein married Mileva Maric in 1903. They had two sons: Hans Albert (b. 1904) and Eduard (b. 1910). They also had a daughter born before their marriage, Leiserl (b. 1902). She apparently was given for adoption or died in infancy. Mileva and Albert were divorced in 1914... He married his cousin Elsa Löwenthal in 1919, and they remained married until her death in 1936... The Institute for Advanced Studies has no formal link to Princeton University; however, according the IAS website, the two institutions "have many historic ties and ongoing relationships"... The Albert Einstein College of Medicine opened in New York City in 1955. It is part of Yeshiva University. Einstein did not create the school, but gave his permission to have his name used.

Fuentes: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Einstein; http://www.answers.com/topic/albert-einstein

Idea general del párrafo:
Determinar algunos patrones de narración con ordenamiento del tiempo, utilizando la biografía de Albert Einstein.
Marcadores de tiempo:
14 March 1879 – 18 April 1955,
1921 Nobel Prize in Physics
20th century
In 1905
in 1915 published
By 1920
his 1905 work
until the end of his life
over time
born before their marriage
until her death in 1936

Actividad de la unidad IV. Patrones de Organización de un Párrafo

Patrones de Organización de un Párrafo

.....solo hace falta organizarse.....

Organization development

Organization development (OD) is a planned, organization-wide effort to increase an organization's effectiveness and viability. Warren Bennis, has referred to OD as a response to change, a complex educational strategy intended to change the beliefs, attitudes, values, and structure of organization so that they can better adapt to new technologies, marketing and challenges, and the dizzying rate of change itself. OD is neither "anything done to better an organization" nor is it "the training function of the organization"; it is a particular kind of change process designed to bring about a particular kind of end result. OD can involve interventions in the organization's "processes," using behavioural science knowledge as well as organizational reflection, system improvement, planning, and self-analysis.
Kurt Lewin (1898–1947) is widely recognized as the founding father of OD, although he died before the concept became current in the mid-1950s. From Lewin came the ideas of group dynamics, and action research which underpin the basic OD process as well as providing its collaborative consultant/client ethos. Institutionally, Lewin founded the "Research Center for Group Dynamics" at MIT, which moved to Michigan after his death. RCGD colleagues were among those who founded the National Training Laboratories (NTL), from which the T-group and group-based OD emerged. In the UK, the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations was important in developing systems theories. The joint TIHR journal Human Relations was an early journal in the field. The Journal of Applied Behavioral Sciences is now the leading journal in the field.
The term "Organization Development" is often used interchangeably with Organizational effectiveness, especially when used as the name of a department within an organization. Organization development is a growing field that is responsive to many new approaches including Positive Adult Development.


La actividad para esta unidad, consiste en seleccionar un texto relacionado con el área de experticia, leerlo y extraer las definiciones y marcadores del discurso.

Organization development (OD) is a planned, organization-wide effort to increase an organization's effectiveness and viability.

Marcadores de discurso: so that, is neither, it is a particular, designed to, about a particular, involve, as well as, which underpin, that is.

Albert Einstein´s biography

Albert Einstein; German; 14 March 1879 – 18 April 1955, was a theoretical physicist, philosopher and author who is widely regarded as one of the most influential and best known scientists and intellectuals of all time. A German-Swiss Nobel laureate, he is often regarded as the father of modern physics. He received the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics "for his services to Theoretical Physics, and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect".

His many contributions to physics include the special and general theories of relativity, the founding of relativistic cosmology, the first post-Newtonian expansion, the explanation of the perihelion precession of Mercury, the prediction of the deflection of light by gravity (gravitational lensing), the first fluctuation dissipation theorem which explained the Brownian motion of molecules, the photon theory and the wave-particle duality, the quantum theory of atomic motion in solids, the zero-point energy concept, the semi-classical version of the Schrödinger equation, and the quantum theory of a monatomic gas which predicted Bose–Einstein condensation.

Einstein published more than 300 scientific and over 150 non-scientific works; he additionally wrote and commentated prolifically on various philosophical and political subjects. His great intelligence and originality has made the word "Einstein" synonymous with genius.

Fuente: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Einstein

La actividad para esta práctica, consiste en aplicar las técnicas de scanning & skimming, para el caso de una biografía, buscando de esta manera comprender de manera visual, el contenido básico de un texto.

Para este caso, se presenta un resumen de la biografía de Albert Einstein, y se plantean pregutnas puntuales que permiten aplicar la técnica de scanning.
1. Indique cuando nació y murió Albert Einstein.
     14 March 1879 – 18 April 1955
2. ¿Quién fue Einstein?
     Albert Einstein was a theoretical physicist, philosopher and author who is widely regarded as one of the most influential and best known scientists and intellectuals of all time.
3. Indique algunas de sus contribuciones.
     Theories of relativity, the founding of relativistic cosmology, the first post-Newtonian expansion, the explanation of the perihelion precession of Mercury, the prediction of the deflection of light by gravity (gravitational lensing), the first fluctuation dissipation theorem which explained the Brownian motion of molecules, the photon theory and the wave-particle duality, the quantum theory of atomic motion in solids, the zero-point energy concept, the semi-classical version of the Schrödinger equation, and the quantum theory of a monatomic gas which predicted Bose–Einstein condensation.

4. ¿Cuáles y cuántas publicaciones tuvo Einstein?
     More than 300 scientific and over 150 non-scientific works; he additionally wrote and commentated prolifically on various philosophical and political subjects. His great intelligence and originality has made the word "Einstein" synonymous with genius. 

Unidad III: Técnicas de lectura (scanning & skimming)

Conflicto: the reality of corporate life


Fuente: http://www.myvirtualpaper.com/doc/CMA/english_aug2010/2010081701/12.html


Las actividades para este taller consiste en observar la imagen y contestar las preguntas que a continuación se lista.

1. De acuerdo al título y la imagen, ¿cuál cree usted que es el tópico que está a punto de leer?

Se deduce del que se trata de personas no dispuestas a ceder en una negociación o conflicto dentro de la organización en donde laboran. Ambos tienen traje de vestir, podría entonces tratarse de empresarios con altos cargos. La actitud de tener los brazos cruzados indica que no están dispuestos a ceder, asi como crear un ambiente de trabajo difícil o complicado, afectando de esta manera el ambiente organizacional, y la cadena de valor de la misma.

2. ¿Cuál es la idea general del texto?

La idea general del texto, está orientada a la necesidad de líderes en las organizaciones, capaces de manejar y negociarlos conflictos dentro de las organizaciones, pensando en los elementos que son considerados claves en la misma: las personas, en sus diferentes personalidades, profesiones, culturas, clases sociales, entre otros.

Se refiere también en seis (06) pasos para lograr resolver los problemas, como lo son: estudiar la raíz del problema, entender los intereses personales de las partes, desarrollar las opciones de la posible solución, elegir la mejor solución, elaborar e implementar un plan de ejecución de la posible solución, y evaluar su implantación.

3. ¿Que palabras se repiten?

Employees, workplace, corporate, organization, elements, management, different, problem, resolution, part of organizational, learning, conflict, understand

4. ¿Qué palabras se parecen al español?

Elements, different, professions, immigrant, extra, multiple, personalities, dialects, personal, attitudes, result, volatile, superior, organizations, visions, company, level, potencial, intentions, strategy, credibility, problem, resolution, injustice, concrete, evaluation, simple, represent, university, mantra, individual, ideas, plan.

5. ¿Cuáles son las palabras en negrita, el titulo, subtitulo o gráficos que te ayudan a entender el texto?

Las palabras que se repiten a lo largo del todo texto: Employees, workplace, corporate, organization, elements, management, different, problem, resolution, part of organizational, learning, conflict, understand

Taller de la unidad I y II

Change management Organizational and personal change management, process, plans, change management and business development tips

Here are some rules for effective management of change. Managing organizational change will be more successful if you apply these simple principles. Achieving personal change will be more successful too if you use the same approach where relevant. Change management entails thoughtful planning and sensitive implementation, and above all, consultation with, and involvement of, the people affected by the changes. If you force change on people normally problems arise. Change must be realistic, achievable and measurable. These aspects are especially relevant to managing personal change. Before starting organizational change, ask yourself: What do we want to achieve with this change, why, and how will we know that the change has been achieved? Who is affected by this change, and how will they react to it? How much of this change can we achieve ourselves, and what parts of the change do we need help with? These aspects also relate strongly to the management of personal as well as organizational change.

Do not 'sell' change to people as a way of accelerating 'agreement' and implementation. 'Selling' change to people is not a sustainable strategy for success, unless your aim is to be bitten on the bum at some time in the future when you least expect it. When people listen to a management high-up 'selling' them a change, decent diligent folk will generally smile and appear to accede, but quietly to themselves, they're thinking, "No bloody chance mate, if you think I'm standing for that load of old bollocks you've another think coming…" (And that's just the amenable types - the other more recalcitrant types will be well on the way to making their own particular transition from gamekeepers to poachers.)

Fuente: http://www.businessballs.com/changemanagement.htm 

Las actividades para este taller consiste en:

1. Leer el texto por completo.
2. Subrayar las palabras que no entiende y buscarlas en el diccionario.
Palabras desconocidas están resaltadas en color verde, y sus significados son:
achieving: (verbo en gerundio) alcanzar, lograr, conseguir
approach: (sustantivo) enfoque
entails: (verbo) implicar, conllevar
thoughtful: (adjetivo) cuidadoso
bitten: (verbo, pasado participio) morder.
Bollocks: (sustantivo) vulgar, tonterías
Recalcitrant: recalcitrante
Gamekeepers: (sustantivo) guardabosques

3. Escribir cual es la idea principal del texto.

El texto hace referencia a la importancia de la correcta gestión del cambio haciendo uso de reglas sencillas, basadas en la planificación de cada cambio, y en el cambio organizacional, de sus procesos y en las mejores prácticas, sin forzar el cambio, sino en la relación de la gestión de personal y la organización.

Se habla de un cambio tiene que ser entendido y gestionado de forma que la gente pueda asimilarlo eficazmente, de sentido contrario, puede generar altos grados de incertidumbre, mal ambiente organizacional y resistencia al mismo.

4. Identificar el tiempo verbal general del texto.

El tiempo verbal del primer párrafo, se encuentra en futuro, y el segundo párrafo en presente.

5. Identificar al menos tres palabras de las siguientes categorías lexicales:
Artículos: the, a
Sustantivos: change, future, parts
Verbos: are, managing, affected, making
Adjetivos: effective, realistic, decent
Preposiciones: before, at, by, of, to
Conjunciones: unless, if, and, that
Sufijos: achievable, measurable, sustainable, normally, especially, strongly, management, involvement, agreement.
Cognados verdaderos: change, effective, organizational, affected, aspects, relevant, bum
Cognados falsos: gamekeepers, achieving, agreement,

6. Sacar 4 oraciones e indicar:
• la frase nominal, núcleo de la frase nominal y pre modificadores y post modificadores
• la frase verbal, núcleo, y señalar el tiempo verbal.

Here are some rules for effective management of change
Frase nominal: Here
Pre modificador: N/A

Post modificador: N/A
Núcleo de la frase nominal:
Frase verbal: are some rules for effective management of change
Núcleo de la frase verbal: are
Tiempo verbal: presente

Change must be realistic, achievable and measurable
Frase nominal: Change
Pre modificador: N/ATiempo verbal: Presente

Post modificador: N/A
Núcleo de la frase nominal: Change
Frase verbal: must be realistic, achievable and measurable.

Núcleo de la frase verbal: must be
Tiempo verbal: Presente perfecto

These aspects also relate strongly to the management of personal as well as organizational change.
Frase nominal: These aspects also 
Pre modificador: These 
Post modificador: also 
Núcleo de la frase nominal: aspects
Frase verbal: relate strongly to the management of personal as well as organizational change.
Núcleo de la frase verbal: relate
Tiempo verbal: presente.

When people listen to a management high-up 'selling' them a change, decent diligent folk will generally smile and appear to accede, but quietly to themselves, they're thinking, "No bloody chance mate, if you think I'm standing for that load of old bollocks you've another think coming…" (And that's just the amenable types - the other more recalcitrant types will be well on the way to making their own particular transition from gamekeepers to poachers.)
Frase nominal: When people
Pre modificador: when
Post modificador: N/A
Núcleo de la frase nominal: people
Frase verbal: listen to a management high-up 'selling' them a change, decent diligent folk will generally smile and appear to accede, but quietly to themselves, they're thinking, "No bloody chance mate, if you think I'm standing for that load of old bollocks you've another think coming…" (And that's just the amenable types - the other more recalcitrant types will be well on the way to making their own particular transition from gamekeepers to poachers.)

Núcleo de la frase verbal: listen
Tiempo verbal: Presente